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The New Synergy Of Trade Shows And Technology

January 14, 2014

The New Synergy Of Trade Shows And Technology

While times are changing, corporate events and trade shows have not lost their place in the sales strategy of many businesses, and indeed, they are still very effective. Even though talk about sales acceleration and lead generation often revolves around digital offerings, these more traditional events offer many advantages.

Combining new technology and live events together
Trade shows and digital marketing actually provide one another a lot of advantages. Technology allows the company to generate hard data about the success of a marketing tool that’s historically hard to quantify. Conversely, the tradeshow still offers a much more personal experience between the company and the consumer, providing insight that hard data cannot. Sales representatives and marketers can learn a lot about their audience base by the engagement that takes place at a live event, and that insight should be reflected in future online marketing materials.

Most exciting is how technology and events are merging on the tradeshow floor:

  • Live reporting: Companies that have blogs or other informative content offerings can now develop stories and conduct interviews live from the show. This allows companies to share the experience of the event with their entire Internet audience, multiplying the reach and effectiveness of the show.
  • Interactive exhibits: As MarketingProfs aptly explains, trade shows are no longer just poster board and a few product samples. Attendees and companies have an easier time than ever swapping information, showing off complicated technology and creating events that have a more stunning visual appeal.
  • Application development: Smartphone apps also create a new way for attendees to interact with businesses at trade shows and corporate events. The apps allow customers to plan their day, track information and collect contacts. Some organizations may even be able to use apps to complete a sale and begin a contract right at the company’s booth.
  • More qualified leads: Many trade show visitors may already know a lot about your product from your website. Customers who have been intrigued by your online marketing may seek you out at the event. They could already be aware of how your products can help them and may be much further along in the sales funnel than typical show attendees.

Prepare for live events early
Marketers and the sales team can help clients get the most of out a trade show even before it’s held. If you’re going to be broadcasting live from your booth or providing show-specific content, let customers know about it. Also, use your content to advertise that you will be at the trade show. If you’re planning a highly interactive and appealing booth, you want to ensure you have an audience there to impress.

Make sure your marketing strategy for live events doesn’t exclude all the exciting ways that technology can boost the experience. With the right apps, content and booth display, trade shows can be a strong business accelerator.