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How To Sell To The Informed Consumer

January 2, 2014

How To Sell To The Informed Consumer

The sales world is changing for those in the B2C and B2B industries. Customers are doing more research before they contact the sales department and they are more informed than ever before about new products. While this means that salespeople are dealing with leads that are more likely to convert, the sale could still be tougher.

Encourage the sales team to learn more about the industry
If the consumer is more informed, then the salesperson certainly should be as well. Sales leadership should try incorporating a short education session into future sales meetings. Each week have a different member of the sales team bring an industry-related article to the meeting that highlights new trends. Also, encourage team members to share any information about hot topics among leads. Perhaps there are questions about certain products or services that keep arising on the sales call. This information can be worked into future sales strategies. 

Salespeople must help leads understand long-term benefits
If customers are already educated about the product your sales team is trying to sell, it’s more important than ever that they can explain the benefits of the company to the client. Have the sales team inspire clients with stories about the future success of their business and how the product can help them realize it. This will require some more information on the client, but will pay-off in the end.

The sale might take longer when giving the client more to think about, but that is not always a bad thing. Allow the customer to take the vision you have helped them create back to the office and kick it around with company leaders. If the sales team can make a confident sell to their contacts and explain the big-picture benefits, the contact can relay that information to decision-makers in the company. In the end, a small sale could turn into a strong relationship with a new client who is motivated to do more business with your company.